Monday, October 23, 2006

What if...?

Do you have questions? We have the answers!

Questions are an essential part of learning, and it is vital to be informed before choosing a course. With this in mind, our site has a What If page, listing commonly asked questions about education in Ireland.

What if you’re a single parent trying to re-educate yourself? What if you’ve finished college and realise you’ve chosen the wrong course? What if you have problems taking exams? These questions and many more are answered by the team.
If you have a question that isn't listed on the page then you can contact us, and we'll be sure to guide you in the right direction.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Course of the Month

Have you ever enjoyed a course so much, you wanted to tell the whole world about it? Now we're giving you the chance!
We've introduced a Course of the Month feature to the site. Every month, we will take nominations for the course you think should be promoted to all visitors. If we agree with you then not only will the course be selected as our Course of the Month, but you'll also win a 1GB Flash Drive.
Last month's winner was Steer Clear, a course promoting safe driving in Ireland. The deadline for this month's Course of the Month is fast approaching, so send your nominations to thatshot at now!