The Bach Original Flower Remedies are a simple, natural and effective system of medicine. Dr. Edward Bach, a noted doctor, homoeopath, bacteriologist
and immunologist who believed that a healthy mind is the key to recovery from ill health, developed them in the 1930’s.
The Bach Original Flower Remedies can help with premenstrual tension.
After ovulation and before the menstrual period begins, the hormones are getting ready to peak. This activity can cause a disturbance in hormonal activity within our entire reproductive system. During this time a woman can become sensitive, emotional and suffer from physical symptoms too. Each woman is different and each of us can experience different symptoms leaving the sufferer vulnerable. Pre-menstrual tension
can include depression, irritability, intolerance, lethargy and mood swings. It not only affects the sufferer but those around us too. Then when the menstrual flow brings relief from all the tension, feelings of guilt may set in when a women reflects on how she has behaved.
The Bach Original Flower Remedies really can help. The remedies are chosen on an
individual basis. It is not possible to generalise and to make up a mix of remedies for all women. There are symptoms that are common to most women and the following remedies may help:
Walnut Is the remedy is for adjustment to change. It is helpful at any transitional time from moving house, starting a new job, when babies are teething, starting a new school, at puberty, pregnancy, and the menopause. It is helpful during the menstrual cycle because this is a period of adjustment and will help at this time of the month that is often a roller
coaster ride.
Mustard Is the remedy for the type of depression that can descend like a cloud of darkness, which is gloomy, and without joy. This is the kind of depression that often comes with pre-menstrual tension for some woman. Mustard will disperse this gloomy dark feeling and allow you to feel brighter and lighter.
Impatiens Is the remedy for the feelings of
impatience, being short tempered and feeling really impatient with people who are
not as quick in movement as you would like them to be. If you suffer from pre-menstrual tension impatience can be worse at this time.
Beech Is similar to Impatiens in a way but is more for being intolerant of people. This remedy will help when it is hard to understand what appears to be stupidity in another person. This is a situation that is often around if suffering from pre-menstrual tension. Beech will help us to be more relaxed and to be more understanding of
those around us.
Cherry Plum Is the remedy for the fear of losing control, hysteria, and a sudden desire to scream or for the feelings of rage. This will help to calm these feelings and to calm this turbulence if one suffers this in premenstrual tension.
Holly Is the remedy for feelings of hatred, jealousy, revenge, suspicion and envy. It will help if you find yourself in a state of spiteful anger. Holly will allow compassion and love to take the place of these feelings.
Willow Is the remedy for feelings of ‘poor me’. This feeling is often evident during pre-menstrual tension if we are honest
with ourselves. Take Willow to be positive and not to focus on being a victim.
Hornbeam Is the remedy for those ‘Monday Morning” feelings of lethargy and just couldn’t be bothered, often common during premenstrual tension. Take Hornbeam to regain the strength to get going enthusiastically about the day ahead.
Crab Apple Is the cleansing remedy. When a
woman is pre-menstrual, she can feel bloated, have facial spots and have greasy
hair, which can make a woman feel unclean. The Crab Apple remedy will disperse these feelings and help us to appreciate the uniqueness of being a woman.
Scleranthus Is the remedy that will help
with mood swings. When one moment the mood is often too good and then the next
moment you have gone to the very depths of feeling low. If this remedy is for you, it will help to stop this seesaw of emotional upheaval and help to feel balanced and calm.
Pine This is the remedy when there are
feelings of guilt at any time. Some of the above remedies could be helpful to consider for the emotional upheaval that is experienced by many women every
Dr. Bach’s recommendation is to take a maximum of 7 remedies at any one time but not more. Put 2 drops of each of these remedies into 30 mls of fresh water. Then take 4 drops by 4 times each day. The mix can be taken more often if needed. The remedies are safe and do not have any side affects. They can be taken with prescribed medication. Of course if at all worried do talk to your doctor.
Pre-menstrual tension is a common condition for a lot of women, which can be distressing and upsetting. At this time of the month, it is also important to eat well, exercise and to get adequate rest.
If you are interested in learning how to use the Bach Original Flower Remedies for everyday use with family and friends or to become a registered practitioner, contact
Walmer College & Holistic Centre, Tel. 01 8329645. The next course will take place on the 17-18th May 2008.
For information, a private consultation, part time course options, themed workshops,
talks or to have a blend of remedies made up for you, contact Carmel at 01 8672076.
Carmel will be at the Body Mind and Spirit Exhibition in the RDS on 15-17th March and will give a talk on premenstrual tension and how the Bach Original Flower Remedies could support this condition.
Courtesy the March 08 newsletter of Walmer College & Holistic Centre.
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